Friday, July 16, 2010

collective | hybridize

James Corner "Eidetic Operations and New Landscapes":

col·lec·tive   [kuh-lek-tiv]
1. forming a whole: the collective assets of the city and its citizens.     
2. of, relating to, characteristic of, or made by a number of people acting as a groupa collective decision, collective memory, collective consciousness     
3. organized according to the principles of collectivism: a collective farm.
4. collective noun: a noun, as herd, grove,  or clergy,  that appears singular in formal shape but denotes a group of persons or objects
5. a collective body; aggregate.
6. a business, farm, etc., jointly owned and operated by the members of a group.
7. a unit of organization or the organization in a collectivist system.

—Related forms
col·lec·tive·ly, adverb
non·col·lec·tive, adjective
non·col·lec·tive·ly, adverb
un·col·lec·tive, adjective
un·col·lec·tive·ly, adverb

hy·brid·ize   [hahy-bri-dahyz] 
–verb (used with object)
1. to breed or cause the production of (a hybrid); cross.
2. to form in a hybrid manner.
–verb (used without object)
3. to produce hybrids; cause the production of hybrids by crossing.
4. to form a double-stranded nucleic acid of two single strands of DNA or RNA, or one of each, by allowing the base pairs of the separate strands to form complementary bonds.
5. to fuse two cells of different genotypes into a hybrid cell.

—Related forms
hy·brid·iz·a·ble, adjective
hy·brid·i·za·tion, noun
hy·brid·ist, hy·brid·iz·er, noun
in·ter·hy·brid·ize, verb (used without object), -ized, -iz·ing.

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